Thursday, March 20, 2008


I haven't written in a while. This may be because no one reads it anyway. But it's nice to get my words out there on the tubes, just in case someone does care.

Anywho, it's getting warmer out. I'm so happy about that. I freaking hate winter. But soon it'll be summer, and I'll be complaining about how much I hate that. I'm so full of hate. Especially for the box elder bugs that are all over the place now. I keep having to chuck them outside. Because of course I can't kill them. I'd never do that to Gregor! (All the bugs I find are named Gregor.)

So yeah. I should probably be doing something productive right now. Like finding a job. Meh. It's too nice out. I'm gonna sit in my room and stare out the window at the nice day.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

“10 Questions that Every Intelligent Christian Must Answer”


I am not a Christian. I do not have a college degree. I do not even have a job. But I do consider myself to be intelligent. I am sick of these atheist assholes trying to tell me that anyone who believes in a higher power is an idiot. Yeah, I’m lookin at you, Dawkins. Anyway, here’s my response to a video I found on YouTube.

1. Why won’t god heal amputees?
First, I want to ask this question: How many amputees actually pray for their missing limbs to be replaced? This whole argument seems to be based on the fact that people are praying for a cure to their illness or affliction. But how many people, having lost a limb, pray to god to have it regrown? And if they do pray to have their limb returned, who’s to say they didn’t receive a prosthetic limb, giving them back the life they thought they’d lost?

God can kill the cancerous cells in your body, or destroy the virus eating away at your brain, but he can’t regrow your limb. Why not? Because god did not make the human body that way. Humans can’t regrow limbs on their own, and god can’t do anything for a human that humans can’t do on their own. It is possible for humans to overcome serious illnesses, because god created humans to be resilient. But regrowing limbs is something humans can’t do, even with the help of god.

2. Why are there starving children?
Just praying for suffering to end will do no good. God gave us free will for a reason. If you pray, and take no action, of course nothing will happen. You have to do something yourself; god won’t do it all for you. It’s like this story:

A man prays to God to win the lottery. He prays and prays, and God says, "Okay, you shall win the lottery." The man is ecstatic, and waits in anticipation for the day the winning number is announced. The day arrives, and he doesn't win. He says to God, "Why? You said I would win!" And God replies, "You have to buy the ticket yourself."

3. Why does god demand the deaths of so many innocent people?
God did not write the Bible himself. He did not reach down out of the heavens and write it all down. Men have been in charge of transcribing god’s word, and translating it. Over the years, they have changed it to suit their own needs, personal and political. This by no means nullifies the entire Bible. It just means that these certain passages, which we know in our hearts to be wrong, are not part of the true message of the Bible.

4. Why does the Bible contain so much anti-scientific nonsense?
Religion was created to explain how things work, before humans really had science. It filled in the holes left in science when we didn’t have the capabilities to understand the world. The stories in the Bible are not anti-scientific; they are pre-knowledge. They are the stories people had before they knew how things really worked.

Also, a lot of the stories in the Bible are just that: stories. They are parables, like Aesop’s fables, not meant to be taken literally, but instead meant to convey a message.

5. Why is god such a huge proponent of slavery in the Bible?
See my answer to number three.

6. Why do bad things happen to good people?
The simple answer to this is that the devil is responsible. Even if you don’t believe in the devil, you most likely believe that there is evil in the world. God gave humans free will, and in doing so gave them the ability to do evil.

Then why do natural disasters occur? Those aren’t the work of evil humans. The answer is that the world is not god. The world we live in is impartial and insensitive to our suffering. God made the world this way. But when our house burns down, or when an accident claims one of our friends, god is there to support us.

7. Why didn’t any of Jesus’ miracles in the Bible leave behind any evidence?
How many of his miracles were of the kind that could leave behind evidence? He cast the demons out of a girl. He walked on water. He rose from the grave. None of these things could really leave behind any archaeological evidence, could they? And even if they could, it’s been two thousand years, and a lot of stuff just disappears after so much time. Not many archaeologists hope to find all those miraculous fish and loaves of bread.

8. How do we explain the fact that Jesus has never appeared to you?
How do you know he hasn’t? I’m just going to leave it at that.

9. Why would Jesus want you to eat his body and drink his blood?
It does seem strange, considering the Bible tells you not to drink blood. But the communion is not actually flesh and blood. The bread and wine symbolically represent Jesus’ flesh and blood, because Jesus was taken into heaven, and there is no way for us to really partake of his body.

10. Why do Christians get divorced at the same rate as non-Christians?
Because of Henry VIII.

But in all seriousness, Christians are only human. They have the same issues everyone else does. Just because they’ve asked god to bless their marriage does not mean it is going to work out. If the marriage just was not meant to be, there is nothing god can do about it.


There it is. My logical answers to the asshole’s questions. I wonder if he’s ever really thought about those questions either, or if he’s just working form the assumption that there is no god, just as Christians are working form the assumption that there is one.